Letters to All Beautiful Women

Source: Pinterest

Dear Beautiful Women,

I hope you already knew that you are precious and beautiful.
I also hope you know that true beauty comes within your soul and it shown through your love to yourself and to the others.
I hope this life treats you right – even though sometimes it is not, I hope you are strong enough.
I hope you realize the beauty of the pain you feel – it hurts, but it will make you grow.
I hope you are surrounded by good people in your life.
I hope you can be good, even though sometimes people treat you bad.
I hope you could overcome your fears and be brave for everything.
I hope you can see your own potential and see it as your true strength and beauty.
I hope you dream big, with sky as your limit.
I hope you achieve your dream – even though you are struggling to get there.
I hope you know that being independent does not mean you are able to do everything on your own – but it is about knowing the potential in you, believe that there is nothing you cannot do.
I hope this life gives you thousand reasons to smile.
I hope you remember beautiful memories instead of the bad ones.
I hope you have good friends. Very good friends.
I hope you are a faithful friend.
I hope you are a good daughter to your parents.
I hope you know that your parents always try to make you happy – even though parents have their own way to show it.
I hope you are a good wife to your husband.
I hope you are a good mother to your children.
I hope you are in love with yourself.
I hope you have your dream job.
I hope you have well paid job.
I hope you are in love with your job – so you could work passionately.
I hope you know that it is okay if you have not achieve what you really want in life – good things will come on the right time, right place.
I hope you know that each person has different paths, different time. You are not too late or too fast. You have your own speed and that is very okay.
I hope that you are able to do a lot of things you always wanted to do.
I hope you already knew that you are not a failure, not a mistake.
I hope you know that it is okay to do mistakes sometimes – everyone has done it, so do not be too hard on yourself.
I hope you do not worry too much – because worrying does not bring happiness, it brings suffer.
I hope you are always happy – so you could be a source of strength for a lot of people.
I hope you work well, but also do not forget to rest well.
I hope you know that taking a day off of gym, will not make you fat.
I also hope that you enjoy eating as much as you enjoy cooking for someone else. Enjoying good foods – even though they are not healthy – will not make you fat (but just a little).
I hope that you love your body, your curves, your flaws – they make you, yourself.

To all beautiful women,
I hope I could say more of these things to you. Those words are comfortable and good to hear. We all want to hear these kind of words and it is okay. It is okay if sometimes you get too sensitive that you cry yourself to sleep. It is okay to take a minute and breathe. It is okay to stop for a while. We can always start all over again.

Last but not least, I hope you know that you are loved. So loved.


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