The Trace of You

Source: Pinterest

To me, the worst risk of being in love is not the heartbreak. It is the lost of existence that we feel about that person. Your person is not my person. They are different, but they might have the same power to you and me. Sometimes we remember them for small things, even it is hurt. But it's okay, we can endure it. We can hold onto the pain, but we cannot hold onto emptiness. When they left, they took everything with them. Left us with some sort of empty feelings. Until we forget that they ever existed in our lives. 

I mean, what is the point of being in love when happiness never be a part of it? Love is not only when you agree to each other, but it is also when you disagree. Love is when you argue, but still remember how to love each other passionately.

Love is not only about one day. Well, one day is a nice idea, but it is not a guarantee. One day does not save one bed for two. One day does not guarantee that things will stay the way it is now. And that one day we used to talk about will be someone else's reality.

I know, you might be struggling to be out of love right now. And it's hard, because you just have no idea where to start. You are done crying, you are even done pitying yourself. You  don't know what to do. You feel enough. You are enough.

We kept searching for that lost love and hope that they would come back. In fact, they don't. So we make that brave decision to forget them. Even sometimes we try to find their trace in our memories, in places we used to go, in empty feelings.

Finding the trace of you, like it is the only thing I could do to remember you. I don't know when will the memories can be erased from my head. But if finding your trace can fix it all, I would do it. And maybe, maybe, we could be together again. Even when it's just in our dreams.

- R.E


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