series, podcast, book | my most favorite things this year

For the past few months, I've been trying to make my schedule more productive and that means adding more work to do, but also more fun to do. FYI, I am someone who doesn't like routines because for me it's boring and not challenging at all. Thankfully, my work as a freelance writer gives me the privilege to work hard continuously without having to sacrifice my freedom.


There are these little things that I always consider a privilege; watching, listening, writing, and reading. Those are my hobbies and also my privileges. Well, I don't know if it's enough, but my love for writing is unexplainable. That's why I try to run this blog continuously as a part of showing who I am, what I am capable of, and what I love.

This time, I'm happy to share my favorite things to do this year. There are these three things that I've been binge-doing for months and they comprised the three areas of my hobbies; watching, listening, and reading. Written below is the list.

To watch: The Crown

It wasn't so long time ago since I found this series on Netflix and I fell in love right away. This is an original Netflix series that actually aired its first season in 2016 and the third season just aired last November.

Personally, I always love seeing the British Royal Family since I was a kid. Maybe it started when my mother told me about Princess Diana and how her life become an inspiration to many people in the world. Maybe since then, I just continuously being curious about other members of the Royal Family.

So when I found out that Netflix created this historical-based series, I couldn't help but watch it. It tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II during her first reign as Queen in 1952 after her father's death (King George VI). We all know that her life has been made into a lot of movies/ series. But as I watched the first episode, I can tell that it's different already. It portrays her not only as Queen, but also as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and most of all, a woman. It seems like the series wants the audience to get to know The Queen personally, to understand her more as a human being and not The Queen of the world's most famous monarchy.

Dramatic and fun. I think those are the perfect words to describe this show. The storyline itself is based on real events but of course, for entertainment reasons, I'm pretty sure that they made it more dramatic than the real ones. But that's what makes it fun, I guess. It has to be real and honest but audiences need to be entertained as well, and I think it is a success. Also, not to mention that they have chosen the right casts for all roles. I must give a big shout-out to Claire Foy (QE II), Matt Smith (Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh), and Vanessa Kirby (Princess Margaret). These three stars have done a very great job in portraying their roles. This series is perfect to watch on weekends with family. It's endearing and charming, it makes you fall in love easily, and also touches our hearts in one episode after another.

To listen: Menjadi Manusia

Over the last few months, listening to podcasts is one thing that I enjoy doing very much. When staring at the screen or reading books can be too tiring for me - on some days, I turn on the podcast just to keep me company. Well, even before podcasts existed, listening to the radio also give me the same joy. But what makes podcasts so special these days? I think it's the power of storytelling. People love hearing original, true, and honest stories.

There are tons of podcasts that can be found on so many mediums today. One podcast that grab my attention is called Menjadi Manusia, an Indonesian-based podcast that features various stories from people with various backgrounds. There are no specific issues in this podcast other than daily-life issues. About the human relationship with themselves, family, friends, or lovers.

It is interesting that they bring the stories through poem-style reading. Sometimes they fill in with two voices and read it aloud just like two people having a real conversation. As you listen to it, it feels genuine but most of all, it feels close to you.

You can find some stories that are relatable to your life. Sometimes it's not. But whatever it is, it just gives you another perspective on life. It's like you're having a long, comfortable conversation with your best friend. You feel warm and at ease.

This podcast is just perfect to listen to when you do nothing. There must be days (especially on weekends) when we all just want to curl up in bed all day. Well, Menjadi Manusia is this kind of podcast. Listen to it on a rainy day, with your blankets on, while sipping a cup of warm coffee, it just makes perfect sense.

To read: Jane Austen's Emma

This legendary classic book by Jane Austen is one of my favorite things ever. Period. Well, I just love Jane Austen and her books. Even though she lives hundred years ago, her writings are amazingly still relevant to our society today. Not to mention her cleverness in choosing the words as well. It is just a very well-written book.

This book tells a story of a young woman named Emma Woodhouse, who is pretty, clever, and rich. She lives with her father, her mother already passed away, and her sister is already married. She has such a fun personality, a very positive vibe, and of course, very kind. But wait, she's not Cinderella. This story is not the kind of fairytale you would think, "oh, what a fairytale life she has." Rather, you might find that Emma's story is quite relevant to ours. Some say that this book shows too much feminism but hey, I think every Jane Austen book is all about women empowerment (implicitly). Well, that doesn't mean you're a man and you can't read this book, of course. I'd definitely recommend this for everyone to read.

The reason why I love it is actually beyond my fondness for Jane Austen. Emma is her masterpiece (even though yes my favorite of hers is still Pride and Prejudice). I still pick it up every night before I go to bed and each time, it continues to inspire me. This story is just so heartwarming and fun. If you love reading the classics, you definitely don't want to miss this book.


well, folks, hope you have a great year ahead.
2019 is just less than two weeks! (can you believe it? because I can't)
if you want to share anything with me, I'll be online.
or maybe working continuously in some coffee shops in town.
or maybe just curl up in my bedroom, enjoying Netflix with a cup of coffee.
whatever it is, I hope you have a great, great life to spend on the counting days to new year.


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