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"It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me," said Taylor Swift in her song "Anti-Hero". When I first heard the song, I thought, "Why would she be such a 'pick-me' girl and blame herself like that?" then I realized that Taylor probably just finally grew up, like the rest of us. You know when you used to believe in something growing up, but then your view gets wider, you get to know more people, and you are finally faced with a situation that challenges you to re-think all your beliefs since childhood - I call it adulthood .  I never knew that adulting means you have to understand the borderline, all the time. You have to be confident, but too much confidence is toxic. You have to be kind, but too kind makes people abuse you, you have to be smart, but you can't be sneaky. You must be forgiving, but being too forgiving makes people exploit you. You have to love, but too much love will kill you. Don't be too hard on yourself, but also

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